Where to use NEMA 17 Stepper Motor

NEMA 17 is a hybrid stepping motor with a 1.8° step angle (200 steps/revolution). Each phase draws 1.2 A at 4 V, allowing for a holding torque of 3.2 kg-cm. NEMA 17 Stepper motor is generally used in Printers, CNC machines and Laser Cutters.

NEMA17 Stepper Motor is commonly used in CNC machines, Hard Drives and Linear Actuators. The motor have 6 lead wires and rated voltage is 12 volt. It can be operated at lower voltage but torque will drop. These motors has a step angle of 1.8 deg., this means that it has 200 steps per revolution for every step it will cover a 1.8° hence the level of control is also high. These motors run on 12V and hence can provide high torque. So if you are looking for a compact easy to use stepper motor with high torque then this motor is the right choice for you.

Operation of Nema17 is similar to normal Stepper Motors. NEMA 17 stepper motor has a 1.7 x 1.7-inch faceplate, and it usually has more torque than the smaller variants, such as NEMA 14. This motor has six lead wires, and the rated voltage is 12 volt. It can be operated at a lower voltage, but torque will drop. Stepper motors do not rotate they step, and NEMA17 motor has a step angle of 1.8 deg. means it covers 1.8 degrees in every step. Wiring diagram for NEMA17 is given below.

Wiring diagram for NEMA17

Stepper Motor Applications
CNC machines
Precise control machines
3D printer/prototyping machines (e.g. RepRap)
Laser cutters
Pick and place machines

NEMA17 Dimensions

Where to use NEMA 17 Stepper Motor

NEMA 23 Stepper Motor Applications and Dimensions

NEMA 23 is a high torque hybrid bipolar stepper motor with a 2.3×2.3 inch faceplate. This motor has a step angle of 1.8 deg., this means that it has 200 steps per revolution and for every step it will cover 1.8°. The motor has four colour coded wires (Black, Green, Red & Blue) terminated with bare leads. Black and Green wire is connected with one coil; Red and Blue is connected with other. This motor can be controlled by two H-bridges but it is recommended to use a stepper motor driver.

How to use NEMA 23 Stepper Motor
As mentioned above this stepper motor draws high current so instead of controlling it directly using H-bridges, use an appropriately powerful stepper motor driver. To know how to make this motor rotate we should look into the coil diagram below.

How to use NEMA 23 Stepper Motor

As you can see from above diagram this motor has four wires in different colours. This motor can be made to rotate only if the coils are energized in a logical sequence. This logical sequence can be programmed using a microcontroller or by designing a digital circuit.


Stepper Motor Applications
CNC machines
Precise control machines
3D printer/prototyping machines (e.g. RepRap)
Laser cutters
Pick and place machines

NEMA 23 Stepper Motor Dimensions

NEMA 23 Stepper Motor Dimensions
Source: https://www.oyostepper.com/article-1092-How-to-use-NEMA-23-Stepper-Motor.html

What is NEMA Hybrid Stepper Motors?

The automation aspect of certain types of systems and equipment will depend on the type of stepper motor that you use. NEMA hybrid stepper motors are recommended if you want a versatile stepper motor that can work with most industrial automation requirements. The technology behind NEMA stepper motors, like the NEMA 23 stepper motors, is far advanced because of its precision and high-torque design.

What is NEMA Hybrid Stepper Motors?

Speed and torque are the two most crucial factors when choosing the right stepper motor for automation. NEMA hybrid stepper motors are preferred in industrial automation because they provide more power than the lower end models. NEMA 23, in particular, is a recommended hybrid stepper motor due to its powerful torque and speed, both of which are essential factors that can improve the performance and reliability of automated equipment and systems.

A NEMA hybrid stepper motor can be useful in making semiconductors. It can be complicated to manufacture semiconductors due to the high amount of output that is involved in the processes. Hence, it is important for the automation system to be reliable for robotics control, measurement, inspection, and quality assurance.